The 2023 STAS Dealerdays at the Nest

The third week of April signalled another edition of the notorious STAS Dealerdays.
We welcomed our STAS dealers and some suppliers to the brand new STAS Offices, which is also called the Nest. Remember when we hosted the 2019 edition at the Hippodrome in Waregem and the 2021 edition at the stunning Bar Bernard in Watou? This time, we brought everyone together in our brand new STAS Office next to the E17 in Waregem.
What was on the menu? We couldn’t wait to show everyone our new offices and give them a tour of STAS Factory Waregem, where a lot has changed in the last year. There was also a STAS first: some colleagues gave keynotes about their projects, ranging from our sustainability approach to tackling HR challenges, marketing automation and some business-related topics. And, of course, in typical STAS tradition, we took ample time to network and wrapped up the two-day event with a very fun party. ? Check it out in our after-movie!