STAS Factory Tournai wins Factory of the Future 2019

“In an ever-changing world, the make industry doesn't stand still. The Flemish Agency for Innovation and Entrepreneurship (VLAIO) joined forces with the technology federation Agoria and the Sirris research center to launch the 'Made Different' action plan. This action plan sees challenges as opportunities and transforms today's companies into 'Factories of the Future'.”
Factory of the future, a title we are proud of!
Why did STAS participate in Factory of the Future?
The two production sites in Belgium have laid the foundations of our family business by and with proud employees. As 'Factory of the Future', STAS wants to guarantee a sustainable future in Belgium and be ready for the fourth industrial revolution in order to continue to ensure sustainable trailers.
How did STAS win Factory of the Future?
To become a 'Factory of the Future' there are seven steps to take. All seven steps go hand-in-hand, so focusing on just one or a few domains is not enough. During this transformation STAS Factory Tournai has changed into an agile organization with unique machinery and digitized processes, in which the involvement of employees is crucial to work together on a qualitative product and a (C)lean factory.
Long term pleasure with our Factory of the Future!