Meet Team Sustainability

From left to right: Lies Berkein, People Expert / Floris Vandewalle, Homologation Expert / Els Carrette, Marketing Expert / Sus Benoit, product expert / Mathieu Locquet, Marketing Expert / Wouter Robeyns, Product Expert / Bram De Wolf, Health and Safety Expert
Ever since STAS was founded, the common goal has always been to work on the most sustainable trailers, durable in every sense of the word. To make this goal more feasible within STAS, we set up Team Sustainability with enthousiastic employees who keep sustainability close to their hearts. The team aims to implement durability beyond the way our products are made and wants to open up the conversation within the entire organisation and in all its facets.
We are firmly convinced that there is no single miracle solution to transform STAS into a fully sustainable organisation. We want to go much further than that.
To have a real impact, we have to start with our people. After all, it's the people who make the difference.
Sustainability is all too often linked exclusively to reducing emissions. Although emissions are one of the biggest hurdles to overcome, realistic alternatives do not always currently exist already. This often results into a standstill when it comes to the progress that can be made. To address this, we want to shift the discussion from mere emissions reduction to real impact.
The question we ask ourselves is therefore not "How do we solve this one problem as quickly as possible?", but rather: "How do we get to where we want to be in the long run?". Only by thinking about it this way, can we take action in a realistic way. After all, taking action is what we are all about.
The beginning of everything
The very first goal is very ambitious from the start: an "internal mind shift". The idea is that people make the difference, so if we want to transform the organisation, we have to start by transforming people's mindset.
To get everyone on board with this mindset shift, a poll was set up to gain more insight into the themes the colleagues themselves find important. Things soon became very tangible:
- Mobility
- Energy consumption
- Sustainable suppliers
By focusing on these three main themes, Team Sustainability wants to prove both within STAS and to the outside world that a turnaround is possible. Even in a sector that is generally not labelled as sustainable.
We invite all our partners to the same because we cannot do it alone. The revolution we want to bring about concerns us all.
Team Sustainability
Meet STAS Team Sustainability: a multidisciplinary team of colleagues who, in addition to the existing tasks within the organisation, are given the space to make an impact and thus steer the organisation towards sustainability. We are happy to report that since the team was founded, several more colleagues have joined their efforts.
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