Move in May-challenge: the results

One of our objectives is "Healthy employees in a healthy company". To make this more top of mind, we organised the STAS Move in May-Challenge.
During the entire month of May, all STAS employees were challenged by the STAS Care & Connect team to move as much as possible. All employees of our 4 factories were able to choose their preferred way to move: cycling, running or walking. Each activity was measured and reported using an inhouse developed tracking app and converted into points.
We created this points system:
- 1 km cycling = 1 point
- 1 km running = 3 points
- 1 km walking = 4 points
As we've recenlty introduced Team Sustainability, we wanted to connect this to our sustainability program and decided to double points when employees walked, cycled or ran to work instead of their normal way of transport.
Together, we achieved a total of 9.115 kilometers! That’s just short of 5 times the distance between the STAS Factory in Waregem and the STAS Factory in Romania!

Well done, #TeamSTAS!
And a big congrats to all participants.
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