STAS Moving Floor Tour

The Moving Floor Trailer Tour is in full swing! Our experts have already visited four of our French dealers and many more are to follow! Our aim? To continue to focus on direct contact with our dealers and our customers and on our dealers' expertise in the field of moving floor trailers and tipping trailers! That way, we can make sustainable investments in our people and our customers will ultimately receive the best possible service for their moving floor trailer.
In order to support our local dealers, where possible, in their activities and to set up a productive interaction with them, we organise the Moving Floor Trailer Tour. It’s also the perfect time to tap into the knowledge of our dealers and customers in order to take our products to the highest possible level.
During the Tour, we visit a local STAS dealer for a day and our experts give product training to employees, customers and drivers. Together with our technicians, an engineer and our sales staff, we organise a session in the morning for the local technicians/mechanics of the dealer and the sales staff. In the afternoon, we invite STAS customers. Everyone is welcome: from drivers, fleet managers, mechanics to managers. We teach them technical skills for maintaining the STAS walking floor trailers. This way, the trailer is properly maintained in the short term and costs can even be saved in the long term.

Read our blog posts to find out more about how a walking floor trailer works, how to maintain your STAS moving floor trailer and how you to check and solve a technical breakdown on a walking floor trailer.
The tours that were on the agenda:
14 June 2022: Nîmes Trucks
16 June 2022: Soveca 03
28 June 2022: Garage Jaulin
29 June 2022: Alençon VI

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