STAS invests in solar panels: third of energy consumption is green energy

STAS aims to make its production processes as sustainable as possible. To further strengthen the three pillars in the STAS strategy (i.e. People, Planet and Product), STAS choose to invest in solar panels at the STAS Factory in Waregem.
Squadron, a community of experts who specialise in process optimisation, automation and digitalisation, looked at the profitability. They calculated the expected yield of different types of solar panel installations (with different sizes, orientations, ...) based on data from the PVGIS. This data was compared with the annual energy consumption of the STAS Factory in Waregem. What did they find?
The STAS Factory Waregem can replace up to 1/3rd of their power consumption in both the offices and production by green energy!

Moreover: of all the generated solar energy, STAS would use 2/3rds in their production and offices and inject 1/3rd into the power grid. There are always periods in which a lot of energy is produced (think summer vs winter) and moments when STAS uses less energy (during the evening, weekends, holidays…). This way, we help other companies and residents in the area and contribute to the future of power-sharing.
In order to obtain an optimal occupancy in terms of payback time, advice was drawn up on the number of solar panels to be installed. Research showed that an installation between 750kWp and 1250kWp has the most favourable payback period. We opted for an installation of 1080kWp, given the shape and capacity of the roof of the STAS Factory in Waregem.
In July 2021, more than 2000 solar panels were installed at the STAS Factory in Waregem. STAS is taking another big step towards a fully sustainable production process. Meanwhile, preparations are being made to install solar panels at the STAS Factory in Tournai. In the future, this will also be considered for the STAS Factory in Freudenberg and the STAS Factory in Medias.
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