Road works at STAS Waregem

On 19 April 2022 road works will start on the exit of the E17 at STAS Waregem that will last until the end of September 2022. The road works would make the entrance and exit complex much smoother for traffic thanks to a Diverging Diamond Interchange.
The first phase of preparatory works has already been completed. On 19th of April the second phase will start and last until mid-June, they will be working on the Anzegem side. The third phase will start in mid-June and last until the end of September, when work will be carried out on the northern side of the complex (the Waregem side).
We’re here to help you find the easiest way to reach STAS from Gent, Waregem and Kortrijk during this period.
Phase 2: Roadworks on the Anzegem side
Traffic from Kortrijk to STAS
Take the exit complex at Deerlijk (no. 4). Then go in the direction of the Stijn Streuvelsstraat (N36) and via the Tiegemberg/Kapellestraat (N494) you will reach STAS.

Traffic from Waregem to STAS
From Waregem you leave for the Flanders Field American Cemetery and Memorial via the Wortegemseweg. There you turn right on the Flanders-Fieldweg and drive on to STAS.

Traffic from Ghent to STAS
Coming from Ghent? Then it is best to take the exit at Kruishoutem. Then follow the N459 until you reach Kruisem, after which you take the Anzegemsesteenweg (N494) until you reach Wortegem-Petegem. There you take the Waregemseweg and follow it until you turn left into Flanders-Fieldweg. Drive to the end and you will end up at STAS.

Phase 3 mid-June: E17 exit from Kortrijk available again
From mid-June roadworks will start on the entry and exit complex at Waregem; this way the E17 exit from Kortrijk at Waregem will become available again and you can easily reach STAS.
If you come from Ghent, you can choose whether you drive off at the complex at Kruishoutem and take the route above or continue to Kortrijk and then take the E17 to Waregem.
By bike
Are you travelling by bicycle? Then you will experience hindrance on the Expresweg and it is best to follow the diversions: drive via the Franklin Rooseveltlaan (N357) to the Wortegemseweg over the E17 and continue via the Flanders-Fieldweg to STAS.

Be sure to watch the video of the Agency for Roads and Traffic for more information about the roadworks.